Experience The Lapidus Clinic's comprehensive OCEAN Program for Women
OCEAN is an extensive women’s intimate health program that goes beyond the scope of normal and customary care covered by insurance.
When you become a member of OCEAN (part of the well-established The Lapidus Clinic), you gain access to your personal Gynecological and Anti-Aging specialty Intimate Health Program.

OCEAN Ultimate Intimate Health Membership Program
- Preferred visit times for visits with Board Certified and Specialty trained Providers such as Dr Lapidus
- Annual physical examinations, cervical and breast cancer screening with many alternatives at the time convenient for you
- Ongoing full hormonal health evaluation and program development with Bio-Identical Hormonal Therapy as needed prescribed by Board Certified professional with many years of clinical experience
- Safe and effective metabolic pathway evaluation to assure hormonal therapy safety
- Personalized bespoke Bio-Identical hormone programs to help treat pre-diabetes, diabetes, protection against heart disease and neurological decline
- Access to regular education series and female health/wellness
- Infertility root cause evaluation and use of a successful non- invasive OCEAN medicine approach
- OCEAN medicine maternity support for both partners
- Access and discounts for- body contouring, V-health procedures including minimally invasive Radio Frequency supported labiaplasty, mild and stress incontinence treatment, vaginal rejuvenation and “Mommy Makeovers”
- Treatment for low libido, dryness and painful intercourse
- Access to pain free Pellets therapy for hormonal replacement
- On-site gynecological and aesthetic procedures using conscious sedation
- 10% discount Aesthetic procedures (not including Botox, fillers, Evolve and Morpheus)
- Evaluation and FDA approved treatment for female incontinence
- Weight management and Nutritional Consultations support
- Cancer preventative program beyond current traditional options
- Post-cancer recovery and prevention with access to Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy for radiation complications
Additional Benefits
- Extended appointments based on condition
- The Lapidus Clinic call or text access during business hours daily
- Dedicated office phone
- Base line saliva hormone testing once per year
- Dutch Test and ZRT hormonal trio
- Note: Most lab and diagnostic testing will be done at the laboratory or imaging site, which will bill insurance. Some tests which are not covered by insurance, including Medicare, will be voluntary and billed separately to the patient at special negotiated cash pricing.
Other Services:
- Coordination of OCEAN medicine needs during travel
- Enhanced coordination of referrals and specialist visits
- Online or other electronic access to personal medical records
Other Benefits:
- Ten percent (10%) discount on all nutraceuticals, vitamins,
- minerals, and all skin care products
- Ten percent (10%) discount on aesthetic procedures (excluding botox, fillers, EVOLVE and Morpheus)
Get more info on OCEAN
For more information about our OCEAN ultimate intimate health membership program that serves patients in the Avila Beach and San Luis Obispo area, contact our office today by phone or using our online consultation request form.